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151 6888 2846

热门要害词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源: 日期:2021-12-06 宣布人:
Construction process procedure of rolling shutter door
(1) Process procedure of manual rolling shutter door: positioning and setting out - Installation of drum - Installation of manual mechanism - connection between curtain plate and drum - Installation of guide rail - Test Run - Installation of protective cover.
(2) Process procedure of electric rolling shutter door: positioning and setting out_ Installation of winding sheet - Installation of motor and reducer - Installation of electrical control system - no-load commissioning - connection between curtain plate and winding drum_ Install the guide rail, install the water curtain spraying system, test run and install the protective cover.
2.定位放线卷帘门装置方法有洞内装置、洞外装置、洞中装置三种。即卷帘门装在门洞内 ,帘片向内侧卷起;卷帘门装在门洞外 ,帘片向外卷起和卷帘门装在门洞中 ,帘片可向外侧或向内侧卷起。因此 ,定位放线时应凭据设计要求弹出两导轨笔直线及卷简线并丈量洞口标高。定位放线后 ,应检查实际预埋铁件的数量、位置与图纸核对 ,如不切合产品说明书的要求 ,应进行处理。
2. There are three installation modes of positioning and setting out roller shutter door: installation inside the tunnel, installation outside the tunnel and installation in the tunnel. That is, the rolling shutter door is installed in the door opening, and the curtain sheet is rolled up to the inside; The rolling shutter door is installed outside the door opening, the curtain sheet is rolled outward, and the rolling shutter door is installed in the door opening, and the curtain sheet can be rolled outward or inward. Therefore, during positioning and setting out, the vertical lines of the two guide rails and the winding center line shall be snapped according to the design requirements, and the elevation of the opening shall be measured. After positioning and setting out, the quantity and position of the actual embedded iron parts shall be checked and checked with the drawings. If they do not meet the requirements of the product manual, they shall be handled.
3.装置卷筒装置卷筒时 ,应使卷筒轴坚持水平 ,并使卷筒与导轨之间距离两端坚持一致 ,卷筒临时牢固后进行检查 ,调解、校正及格后 ,与支架预埋铁件用电焊焊牢。卷筒装置后应转动灵活。
3. Install the drum. When installing the drum, keep the drum shaft horizontal and keep the distance between the drum and the guide rail consistent at both ends. After the drum is temporarily fixed, check it. After adjustment and correction are qualified, weld it firmly with the embedded iron parts of the support by electric welding. The drum shall rotate flexibly after installation.
4.帘板装置帘板事先装配好 ,再装置在卷筒上。门帘板有正反向 ,装置时要注意 ,不得装反。
4. Curtain plate installation the curtain plate shall be assembled in advance and then installed on the drum. The door curtain plate has positive and negative directions. Attention shall be paid during installation, and it shall not be installed reversely.
5.装置导轨按图纸划定位置线找直、吊正轨道 ,包管轨道槽口尺寸准确 ,上下一致 ,使导轨在同一笔直平面上 ,然后用连接件与墙体上的预埋铁件焊牢。
5. Install the guide rail, align and hang the rail according to the position line specified in the drawing, ensure that the size of the rail notch is accurate and consistent up and down, make the guide rail on the same vertical plane, and then weld it firmly with the embedded iron parts on the wall with connectors.
6.装置水幕喷淋系统防火卷帘门应装置水幕喷淋系统。水幕喷淋系统 ,应与总控制系统连接。装置后 ,应试验。
6. Install the water curtain spraying system. The fireproof rolling shutter door shall be installed with the water curtain spraying system. The water curtain spray system shall be connected with the main control system. After installation, the test shall be carried out.
7.试运转先手动试运行 ,再用电动机启闭数次 ,调解无卡住、阻滞及异常噪声等现象为及格。
7. The test run shall be conducted manually first, and then the motor shall be opened and closed for several times. It is qualified if there is no jamming, block and abnormal noise.
8. Install the drum guard
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