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151 6888 2846

热门要害词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源: 日期:2022-09-27 宣布人:
车库门是新房东和家庭装修者的主要选择,由于多种原因,车库门正处于普及的岑岭期 。那么车库门运行的检查与测试要领是怎样的呢 ?下面就让济南卷帘门厂家为您解答吧 。
Garage door is the main choice of new homeowners and family decorators. Due to various reasons, garage door is at the peak of popularity. What are the inspection and testing methods for garage door operation? Now let Jinan roller shutter door manufacturer answer for you.
如果你的车库门此时运行良好,你可以通过简单的检查和维护程序使其恒久坚持这种状态,这些技巧也可以修复车库门刚刚泛起的问题和故障 。
If your garage door works well at this time, you can keep it in this state for a long time through simple inspection and maintenance procedures, and these skills can also repair the problems and faults just occurred in the garage door.
检查济南车库门上的滚轮和轨道:如果你不记得清洁它们是什么时候,是时候用刷子清洁下滚轮和轨道,并润滑下滚轮支架和轴承 。滚子上的轴承也会磨损,并更换任何运行不稳定的滚子 。
Check the rollers and rails on the garage door in Jinan: If you don't remember when to clean them, it is time to clean the lower rollers and rails with a brush, and lubricate the lower roller bracket and bearings. The bearings on the rollers will also wear out and replace any unstable rollers.
紧固件拧紧:高架车库门上的导向滚轮轨道是分段组装的,所以各部件应完好,支架的螺钉和螺栓应拧紧 。
Fastener tightening: the guide roller track on the overhead garage door is assembled in sections, so all components should be intact, and the screws and bolts of the bracket should be tightened.
检查钢丝绳和线圈:旋转操作的车库门钢丝绳和线圈会随着时间的推移而磨损,磨损的钢丝绳和损坏的线圈需要更换 。
Check the wire rope and coil: the wire rope and coil of the garage door operated by rotation will be worn over time, and the worn wire rope and damaged coil need to be replaced.
测试车门平衡:车库门只需几磅压力就能上下移动 。如果扭簧磨损并失去弹性,电动车库门开启器可能需要特另外力来将门抬起 。这样会造成车库门电机磨损快,建议尽快更换扭簧 。
Test the door balance: The garage door can move up and down with only a few pounds of pressure. If the torsion spring is worn and loses elasticity, the electric garage door opener may require additional force to lift the door. This will cause the garage door motor to wear quickly. It is recommended to replace the torsion spring as soon as possible.
测试电机的自动转动功效:车库门电机的设计是为了在门下降到地面时遇到障碍物时,可以自动反转并提起门 。如果此功效不再正常事情,厚重的门会带来隐患,应修理或更换电机 。
Test the automatic rotation function of the motor: The garage door motor is designed to automatically reverse and lift the door when it encounters obstacles when it descends to the ground. If this function no longer works normally, the thick door will bring hidden danger, and the motor should be repaired or replaced.
关于车库门运行的检查与测试要领,上述内容中已经为各人详细的总结完了,相信各人看完之后会对此有新的认识和了解,如若想要了解更多的内容,可以多多关注我们的网站 。
As for the inspection and test methods of garage door operation, the above contents have been summarized in detail for you. I believe you will have new understanding and understanding after reading it. If you want to know more, you can pay more attention to our website 。

阅读/ Recommended reading

济南卷帘门在家庭、商业和工业建筑中获得了广泛应用,其功效齐全、可靠、美观实用的特点使其成为门窗装饰的质料 。济南卷帘门接纳高强度铝合金质料,具备抗风、抗撞击和防盗特性,并配备...

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